IEED welcomes Witty Review recommendations

22 October 2013

Business leaders at an IEED workshop

Business leaders at an IEED workshop

The Witty Review of how universities should work with businesses to underpin economic growth has been welcomed by the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (IEED) at LUMS.

Sir Andrew Witty’s ‘Encouraging a British Invention Revolution’ recommended that university business schools need to focus on working closely with local SMEs to share expertise and work on real-life problems.

Among its recommendations, Sir Andrew’s review said universities should engage with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to link with businesses both within and outside their boundaries.

Dr Ellie Hamilton, Associate Dean for Enterprise at IEED, said: “IEED is proud of its record of working with SMEs in North West England, and further afield.

“We have developed a raft of programmes that specialise in sharing expertise in areas including innovation, people and leadership, strategy and planning, marketing and entrepreneurship. These programmes use peer-networking methods which ensure the delegates are focused on tackling real-life business problems, as recommended by Sir Andrew Witty.

“Our programmes have delivered substantial benefits to the companies who have participated, boosting growth within these businesses, and to the economy as a whole.

“We are continuing to build on our excellent record of working with local authorities, business groups and Local Enterprise Partnerships. We are looking to devise novel programmes of collaboration with LEPs that will be able to provide growth and innovations both within, and beyond, their boundaries.

“We are continually looking at new ways in which we can add real impact to SMEs, as recommended by Sir Andrew Witty, and we welcome his report which shows that business leaders agree with our approach.”